Saturday, February 18, 2012

LIFE is like a COMPUTER.

Told ya! A computer also has its end, just like life! Haha!

Eighty five million years ago, the first man inhabited on Earth. They lived throughout the flow of nature, providing them with resources. That was the start of life. And the prevalence of LIFE on Earth has been continuous in present time, and we were fortunate since Earth is by far the only planet wherein life occurs. 

          Many centuries later, the resurgence of life has been created. The birth of these has been enjoyed by all of us until now. They can count, can calculate and can entertain us, just like all human beings can do. The world witnessed the birth of the computers.  

          On many ways, I have observed that life and computers have several similarities. And to take note, the computers, including robots, are one of the most similar, in terms of thinking and reasoning, to us humans (and don’t forget that monkeys are also similar to us and this fact is irrelevant)!  From the time we were born, our parents surely have worn their smile all day long, for they have found a new joy (not a new toy). Just like when we own new computers, we could be the happiest person in the world for owning one. Life is like a computer, in such many ways, and the best example that I could state is about decision-making. In life we need to think critical and practical to survive, and so as in a computer. Many warnings and notifications are sent to us, to inform us that we need to make a decision: to delete or not to delete? To restore? To Exit? The computer gives us various choices to make different decisions. 

          Viruses may visit the computer system, because of carelessness and negligence. We kept on inserting flash drives without even protecting our computer. We also experience this in life. Viruses symbolize the downs in our lives, the mistakes we have committed and everything we have regret. But, the time, which serves as our “anti-virus”, restores our life and helps us get back to our track.   Computers are also visited by diverse problems, that make the system weak, but eventually, it will learn to solve these kinds of problems. We, too, are visited by these obstacles which are served for us, not to lose hope, but to hope for solution and answers.  Take note, every click on the mouse, is equivalent to every step we take to the pursuit of success.

          Computers, as we might observe, have been evolving. From different sizes and shapes, they have dominated our planet. As many years approaches, many computers come and go, some were helpful and some were forgetful. Just like computers, life also comes and goes. This situation explains that old ones need to be replaced by new ones in order for us to survive. Imagine, if there are too many computers, there would also be too many garbage. If there are too many human beings, where would you expect for us to live and find shelter? In the moon? Ha-ha. 

          Last thing: death is an integral part of life. Without it, we could not consider ourselves as human beings. A computer’s life also comes to an end. When it is ruined or broken badly, there’s no choice but to sell it into junkshops or just throw it. Life and computers have its beginning and in the long run, both have its end. The only difference is that computers are sold, not buried.  To end, I would like to share this bizarre, yet sort of true quote from Philip Emeagwali: “Because I believe that humans are computers, I conjectured that computers, like people, can have left- and right-handed versions.” Ta ta for now, fellas !  


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