Monday, March 5, 2012

Youth: A Once-in-a-Lifetime Affair

With the children today imitating popular teen icons, it's impossible nowadays to witness children playing happily on the pond and jumping with the rain. 

What a beautiful morning! With my classmates here, our dear Ms. Josephine Rose Manalili and to other invited guests, it is indeed a beautiful morning!

Listening to my music player completes my day. And as I grab my headphone and plug it on my phone, excitement rushes in my heart. But, I am confused on what to listen to. Chris Brown? No. It's too dark. LMFAO? No. It's too fast and upbeat. Justin Bieber? A big no. It's too childish. And as I shuffle my player, a song was suddenly played on TV which grabbed my attention. The chorus says: "we are young.." again and again. Upon listening to the song, a flashback of my early childhood years and how I spent them came in to me. Truly, those moments were eccentric yet unforgettable. As the song progresses, it tells me that being young is a gift.

Through the course of our youth, we learn many things beyond our imagination. Born from our curiosity within, we discover how things begin and how things might end, just like life. Our early years as an individual play an essential role in honing our future. Some say that being young also means being innocent. However, not all youngsters are innocent about things that happen around them. Their adventurous and courageous approach on life had helped them discover and understand on their own the wonders of life. And because they have enjoyed their youth, we can tell that they could likely have a bright and a pleasant life ahead of them. As far a I can observe nowadays, teenagers want to be with the trend of getting "matured" in an early stage. What I'm saying is that the youth nowadays make haste on being an adult. Well, I have nothing against the youth who become committed to an early stage, but sometimes it is not healthy in the development of one's self-identity. There were boys flirting with girls over there and girls wearing make up? What's the point of all of this?

Youth is one things we cannot get back. Youth is one things we can't claim if we get tired of being old. Don't try to grow up too fast because I believe that being an adult will just come naturally, and so does maturity. As time progresses, we will learn to make decisions, and that is one step away from being young.

And as the song marks its end, one things clings on my mind: let us enjoy the gift of being young, for God only allows us to be young once. We can't be young twice, or thrice, but if we enjoy our youth, we can remember and cherish those childhood moments forever. We are still young and through it, we can burn brighter than the sun. To sum it up, I would like to say that youth is like time. It is precious and if we afford to lose it, we can't take it back anymore. I would like to share a humorous, yet a very true quote from American writer, Dave Barry: "You can only be young once. But you can always be immature."


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